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Guillaume Launay.

Fullsatck Developer Data Engineer

About me

More about me.

Profile Picture

My name is Guillaume Launay, I'm a Fullsatck Developer since 2017 and also Data Engineer since 2023. I am passionate about computer science and new technologies, and I enjoy creating innovative solutions while putting the human element at the center of interactions. More generally, I am a cheerful and positive person who enjoys cooking and sports, especially outdoors.

Skill :

  • Backend
    • PHP
    • Laravel
    • Symfony
    • NodeJS
    • TypeScript
    • Express
    • Python
    • Flask
    • FastAPI
  • 80%
  • 80%
  • 75%
  • 75%
    Project Management


After founding my own startup at the end of my studies, I gained solid experience in web development, particularly with technologies such as PHP and NodeJS. With this experience under my belt, I then expanded my skill set by pursuing training in data analysis, delving into the world of Python, Spark, Airflow, etc. My diverse background has enabled me to master different facets of technology, combining DevOps, Backend, Frontend, and Data all under AGILE project management and with an entrepreneurial spirit.


More information about my background.

My academic journey began with obtaining a high school diploma with a specialization in computer science, which reinforced my passion for the field. I then continued my studies by earning a University Diploma of Technology (DUT) followed by a bachelor's degree in web development. With these solid foundations, I recently enhanced my skills by obtaining a diploma as a Data Engineer. This last step of my education was particularly captivating as it allowed me to dive deeper into the world of data, their manipulation, analysis, and exploitation.



2017 - Today


After meeting with an investment fund, we founded Beegift, where I am responsible for development. We designed an e-commerce site, several web applications for our internal teams or our clients, APIs, and mobile applications. With a CI/CD infrastructure in the cloud, we set up a system capable of scaling with demand. My work also focuses on collecting and analyzing consumption data to provide advice to local authorities.


2023 - Today

IUT Charlemagne

Recently, I contributed to the development of two new modules for third-year Bachelor of University Technology (BUT) students:
One module focused on deployment automation, aiming to teach the necessary techniques and tools to simplify and optimize application deployment processes.
Another module on code maintenance, emphasizing best practices and effective strategies to ensure the durability and quality of software applications.

Fullstack developer

2016 - 2017


During my internship at the end of the second year of my University Diploma of Technology (DUT), I developed an online gift voucher sales platform named C'KADO. I was supported by a project manager, a graphic designer, and a web integrator. At the end of my internship, I was hired on a student contract to continue the development of the project.

Volunteer Firefighter

2014 - 2017


As a volunteer firefighter, I have learned to work as part of a team and to communicate with people. I have also obtained first aid certifications.


Data Engineer Training

2022 - 2023

DataScientest x MINES ParisTech

I have explored development with Python, using libraries like NumPy and Pandas, as well as data visualization with Matplotlib, Dash, or Kibana. Moreover, I have gained hands-on experience with various databases such as ElasticSearch or Neo4J. I have also delved into Machine Learning with Scikit-learn, and Big Data with technologies such as Spark, Kafka, Hadoop, or Hive. Lastly, I have deepened my knowledge of DevOps practices with Kubernetes and Airflow.

Bachelor's Degree Computer Science

2016 - 2017

IUT Nancy Charlemagne

Following my University Diploma of Technology (DUT) in Computer Science, I completed a professional bachelor's degree as a designer and integrator of intranet and internet systems for businesses. This allowed me to strengthen my knowledge in web development, particularly in PHP and JavaScript.

University Diploma Computer Science

2014 - 2016

IUT Nancy Charlemagne

During my University Diploma of Technology, I learned algorithms, object-oriented programming in PHP and JAVA, the basics of Javascript, as well as system design and administration. I also took general courses such as English, mathematics, law, and economics.

High School Diploma in Science


Lycée Henri Vogt

Scientific High School Diploma with an engineering focus, in computer science and digital science.


Beegift by the numbers

Beegift is an online platform that allows the offering of gift voucher aimed at local businesses. We work in partnership with cities, communities, companies, and many other stakeholders.

+10 Million €


+ 750,000

Gift voucher issued








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If you would like to contact me for more information, please do not hesitate, I will reply as soon as possible.